Natural remedies to reduce Bloat

This summer make sure you have a Bloat-free belly with these natural remedies.


Who wouldn’t want to stay all day with a flat stomach in the morning. Bloating is uncomfortable, makes us feel sluggish, and makes it nearly impossible to enjoy our day.

While breathing exercises, physical activity, and staying hydrated are some of the most popular remedies, I’ve rounded up more all-natural remedies that have worked for me when it comes to bloating.

Intermittent fasting

Many people who report quickly notice a difference in their bloating problems in less than a week. Intermittent fasting consists of eating only 8 hours a day and fasting the remaining 16 hours.


Ginger is considered one of the most anti-inflammatory ingredients. Because ginger relieves discomfort and protects the stomach lining, it can help relieve symptoms like bloating, nausea, and pain. Ginger or kion is easy to prepare, and you can buy it at your favorite market. Just rinse, peel, and place in the blender (some people don’t peel it, I personally do, because the peel can get a bit bitter if the ginger is more than a couple days old). You can use it in meals and infusions.


One thing I find helpful for bloating is eating softer, more liquid foods. The softer the food, the easier it will be to digest, so that really means adding more water and a longer cooking time.

Moderate level of stress

Bloating isn’t always the result of what you feed your body. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can trigger a variety of symptoms throughout the body, including swelling. Studies have shown that stress directly affects the digestive system, which in turn can lead to bloating. Some natural methods that have been shown to lower cortisol include sleeping better at night, low-intensity exercise, and meditation. One of the best exercises to lower cortisol is walking.

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