How to build a routine that will lead you to success

To achieve success you have to set goals and have a system to achieve them.


If something has become clear to me after reading several books on personal growth, it is that to achieve success you have to set goals. And have a system to achieve them. You can have all the desire and motivation, but you won’t get what you want if you’re not sure what you want!

Things you have to stop doing:

Complain about your situation if you are not actively doing something to change it.
Filling your social networks with things that make you feel jealous or unhappy.
Being pessimistic thinking you won’t make it
Make excuses for not taking action.

Things you have to start doing:

practice gratitude
Make small, affordable changes to your current lifestyle
Caring more about you than about influencers or celebrities
Write a to-do list and plan
Take your life into your own hands


What habits are no longer serving you?
What habits would you like to incorporate?
What are your limiting thoughts about your dream life? What do you feel is holding you back from who you want to become?

How I organize myself when creating my routine to achieve my goals:
  • Separate your life into categories: health, work, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social. If you had to rate yourself from 1 to 10 in each of these areas, how much would you rate yourself? You will realize that in some you must improve more than in others, reflect on what you must change and consider it when setting your goals.
  • Spend 24 hours keeping track of everything you do with 15-minute intervals, what are you wasting your time on?
  • Choose 3 behaviors that you have to change to reach your goals.
  • Brainstorm actions you need to take to reach your goals, and break it down into small steps.
  • Organize your routine on your calendar.
  • Be consistent, implement daily weekly and monthly goals
  • Exercise your discipline as if it were a muscle, visualize your goal, read your goals every morning, write in a journal.
  • Make it easy by setting alarms, getting your clothes ready the day before.
  • If you get sidetracked, take a breath and go back to the first step.

Real change takes time
You don’t have to do everything now, you can start small.
you don’t have to have everything figured out to take action
You are doing well just the way you are, don’t feel pressured to do things you don’t want to do, it is YOUR life and YOU are in control.

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