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Morning habits that will help you lose weight

Start the day in the right direction, with these tips to lose weight without much effort


Get on the scale

Weighing yourself first thing in the morning after urinating is more accurate than checking it later in the day. What you eat and drink later can change the results. That visual reminder of your weight each morning can help you stick to your healthy eating plan for the rest of the day or week.

Warm Lemon Water

At the beginning of the day, drink one or two glasses of water at room temperature, and then a glass of warm water with lemon. It will help you stimulate your metabolism and lose weight. Water has no calories, but it’s satisfying and curbs your appetite, so you may not want to eat such a big breakfast afterwards.

Exercise before breakfast

Get some moderate exercise before you sit down to eat in the morning. Exercising on an empty stomach actually helps you get better results from exercise. Sweat sessions before breakfast can help you burn more of your body fat for fuel.

Eat a breakfast high in fiber and protein

It is important to start the day with a salty meal rather than a sweet one, especially if it contains fiber and protein. What you eat first thing in the day will mark the line for the rest of the day, you avoid having a very high glucose spike and therefore avoid mid-morning cravings and start the day full of energy. Choose high-protein breakfasts, such as an egg and spinach omelet or an avocado toast.

Make a meal plan for the day

Every morning, write a quick list of what you will eat that day. Planning meals ahead of time can help you choose low-calorie foods. If you’ve already decided what to eat for your day’s snacks and meals, you’re less likely to reach for high-calorie convenience foods like fast-food burgers or fries.

get some sun

A little sunlight on your skin can actually help you burn a little more body fat. Research shows that people who soak up some rays in the morning tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI), or slimmer, slimmer physique, than people who get out in the sun later in the day.

Practice Mindfulness

Slow down and think about what you’re eating. Appreciate the smell, look, and taste of even a simple breakfast. Don’t watch TV or scroll through social media when you eat in the morning: just breathe, relax and enjoy a quiet meal. This practice could help you eat less and lose weight.

Pack your lunch and snacks

Before you leave the house for the day, grab a bag and pack a healthy lunch and low-calorie snacks like nuts or low-fat cheese. You’ll be prepared to eat a sensible meal when hunger strikes later, so you don’t reach for junk food. Choose fiber-rich foods, like whole-grain crackers, to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Make a shopping list

In the morning, make a shopping list before going to the supermarket. You’ll be more likely to buy items that fit into your healthy eating plan and not eat junk food on impulse. Includes pre-cut fruits and vegetables for healthy snacks or easy meal additions.

Get enough hours of sleep

Sleeping too little each night can feed your appetite throughout the day, which can lead to weight gain. You’re also more likely to skip your workout. Make sure you get enough sleep each night. Stick to a regular bedtime and find ways to manage stress so you can relax and sleep until it’s time to get up.

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