Late night snacks that won’t make you gain weight

We all have cravings, especially at night. You don't have to refrain from eating a snack! Here are healthy snack options:


Why does it feel like our nighttime cravings are so much more powerful than our daytime ones? We had a productive and healthy day, maybe we started with a smoothie and workout, finished all our tasks, had a healthy dinner and relaxed. And yet, a late-night craving comes upon us like a tsunami, chips, pizza, or cookies… They’re all we can think about, and we’ll go to bed with aching bellies (and hearts) if we can’t have them.

Salt-Free Fries: I’m a fan of salt, but if you’re looking for a snack after 8 p.m. to keep the swelling down, salt is not. Also, something happens when we remove salt from foods, they don’t taste as tasty! Therefore, our brain’s reward system is not lighting up. Combine your fries without salt with your favorite sauce! Try a chickpea hummus dip or a guacamole cream.

Popcorn: But the problem with most popcorn on the market is that it contains highly inflammatory oils, which would make us feel bloated and our long-term goals of energy and longevity. An alternative could be that you prepare them with coconut oil.

If you like sweeter snacks, apple chips. You can add cinnamon powder to it, which makes it feel more like a dessert than a healthy snack.

A good cheese board! Pair it with some berries or sliced ​​apples. This gets you creative and flowing as you create the dish, which naturally slows you down and probably helps alleviate some of your cravings. Have fun with it.

Smoothie instead of ice cream: The thing about ice cream is that it makes us feel great in the moment, but not so good later or the next day. So here is a delicious homemade smoothie:

In a blender, add 2 cups frozen strawberries, 1/4 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, and a dash of sweetener of your choice.

Note: Low sugar, but feel free to add half a frozen banana if you want it sweeter. Omit the stevia if using a banana.

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