Why you should start elevating your legs once a day

Legs up!


Legs up! You may have already seen this trend on social media, also known as Viparita Karani, it is one of the most accessible yoga poses and I do it constantly at the end of the day to allow my body and mind to relax. While raising your legs doesn’t require a lot of flexibility or strength, it can benefit your health in a number of ways. Some of the key benefits include improved blood flow, reduced inflammation, and better lymph flow.

How it’s done:

First grab any accessories you might need (yoga mat, pillow or blanket) and set up your space.
Lie on your back and swing your legs up the wall. Lengthen your spine so your shoulder blades slide down and below you. Shuffle your butt close to the wall and rest your arms by your side or on your belly.
This is where accessories come into play. Feel free to place a small rolled blanket or other support (such as a pillow) under his butt so that his hips are above his head. This should not feel uncomfortable or exhausting. Add extra height below the hips if it feels better in the back.
With gravity working in your favor, this is a great position to do lymphatic drainage massages using a Body Tool. It will help excess fluid and toxins travel into the lymph nodes and out of your system.
Note: Because your legs are on your stomach, you may feel a little tingling as the position promotes drainage and circulation. If you feel like your legs and feet have gotten a little numb or have fallen asleep, give it a break or shake your knees before continuing.

The benefits:

Increases circulation: Being on your feet all day can cause blood to pool in the veins of your legs, leading to swelling, cramping, pain, itching, and fatigue. Elevating your legs for even 10-20 minutes a day helps improve circulation and relieves these symptoms.
Improves sleep: Elevating your legs when combined with deep, mindful breathing helps slow your heart rate and practice mindfulness, creating a calm sleep environment for a better night’s sleep.
Promotes lymphatic flow: The lymphatic system does not have a pump to help the fluid that surrounds the body, so it is very common for fluid to pool in the lower extremities. This pose is beneficial in draining lymph from the legs and feet and into the lymph nodes for cleansing.
Soothes swollen feet/legs: Removing pressure from the feet and legs helps reduce any swelling in the lower half of the body, takes pressure off the veins and allows circulation to improve.

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