8 ways to be more productive during the day

How to be more productive throughout the day and ensure your daily routine sets you up for success.


How you spend the first few moments of your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. While hitting the snooze button for an extra 20 minutes of break is certainly needed at times, on the other hand, that’s nearly half an hour of time you’ve wasted tackling the tasks ahead of you.

Subtracting the hours of sleep, we are at 16 hours, it is all we can make the most of each day. Are you using your time in the most efficient way possible?

Here are 8 ways to be more productive throughout the day and ensure your daily routine is setting you up for success. Rise and shine and waste no time with our helpful tips.

  • Dedicate the first minutes of the day to yourself, meditating and journaling are a good option. You may think that you are wasting your time but on the contrary, doing so will help you start the day motivated and with your brain ready to focus.
  • Throughout the day, track how long it takes you to complete tasks so you know where to spend your time properly.
  • Block email notifications while you work (no distractions).
  • Try doing a Pomodoro Session. They are intervals of 25 minutes of concentration with 5 minutes of rest, for 2 to 3 hours. Try guide videos on YouTube and you will notice the difference.
  • Complete priority tasks before noon. If something has a hard deadline or a fast delivery date, make sure to focus on those projects before checking your inbox.
  • If you feel yourself getting distracted, step away from your computer or desk and take a short break to refill your water. On your way back to your work station, remember what needs to be completed for the day.
  • Check your posture. When you sit with your shoulders thrown back, you not only burn more calories, but also show more confidence, which will reflect in the quality of your work.
  • Discover your reference outfit combination. The fewer decisions you have to make throughout the day (even something as menial as what to wear in the morning), the more energy you save to spend on important decision-making solutions.
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